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Post-2015 resources round-up

Post2015.org is collating key recent post-2015 resources and news in a round-up post. Below, read today’s selection:

Illicit Financial Flows: What’s the smartest Post-2015 target? The Copenhagen Consensus Center has just published its second set of papers about Illicit Financial Flows. When we think about development priorities, we think of disease, nutrition and education, but actually IFF is a big player. 20 sub-Saharan Africa countries have lost more than 10% of their GDPs every year since 1980 to illicit financial flows. Africa as a whole is estimated to be losing 3.4% of GDP or $76bn each year.

Reducing poverty in Africa: Realistic targets for the post-2015 MDGS and Agenda 2063 The eradication of extreme poverty is a key component of the post-2015 MDG process and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. This paper from the Institute for Security Studies written by Sara Turner, Jakkie Cilliers and Barry B Hughes uses the International Futures forecasting system to explore this goal and finds that many African states are unlikely to make this target by 2030.

Challenge 2015: Towards Sustainable Development that Leaves No One Behind – This report by ATD Fourth World is the result of years of participatory research with over 2,000 participants from over 20 countries, a majority of whom came from a background of poverty or extreme poverty.

The Post-2015 UN Development Framework: Perspectives for Regional Involvement – The joint report of the UN Regional Commissions on “A Regional Perspective on the Post2015 United Nations Development Agenda” discusess the distinct regional priorities as far as development is concerned.

Ambitious and coherent? Reviewing the pre-zero draft of the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction – This working paper by ODI and CDKN calls for the post-2015 Disaster Risk Reduction agreement to be centred more squarely in the development and climate change agendas.


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